Jac2036h Manual
Jac2036h Manual Average ratng: 5,0/5 1187 reviews
This is a durable, aluminum cased unit. Typical applications include golf carts, smaller forklifts, scissor lifts, industrial carts and applications. They are excellent for use on deep cycle batteries. The charger is selectable for flooded or sealed lead acid battery types, is fused on the input and output sides, and has flanges for mounting. The JAC2036 features an auto-sensing universal input from 100 to 240 VAC, and is rated for a 100% duty cycle.
Jac2036h Manual

Jac2036h Manual

Schauer Battery Charger Jac2036h Manual
This unit comes with the industry standard 50 amp Anderson SB50 connector. Additional connectors are listed below.